Proceedings Third International Conference CADCOMP 1992, Newark, Delaware, pp. 547-558, May 13-15, 1992

Micro-Mechanical Simulation of Thermo-Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Woven-Fabric Composites

S. Bhandarkar, R. Agarwal, A. Dasgupta
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742


This paper presents some computational aspects of simulating effective orthotropic behavior of fabric reinforced composites through homogenization techniques.  A finite element solution scheme is presented for solving the related microscale boundary value problems that arise in the homogenization scheme.  The microscale is defined over a periodic unit cell in a plain-weave fabric reinforced composite.  The complex geometry of the fabric weave presents some nontrivial challenges for the finite element modeling effort.  In particular, appropriate boundary conditions for minimizing the computational effort are discussed by exploiting various symmetry and periodicity conditions of the unit cell.

Complete article is available to CALCE Consortium Members.

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