IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. 39, No. 10, October 1992.

Dual Function Distribution Of Failure In Ga-As Multi-Chip Microwave Monolithic Integrated Circuits (MMICs)

 A. Christou, P. Tang and J. Hu


A definitive separation of bimodal failure distribution functions for MMIC's has been obtained as a result of microwave accelerated life testing.  The circuit, which was a 28-GHz monolithic amplifier, showed a very strong early failure pattern related only to passive component degradation.  Using the concept of multifunctional distribution it was possible to separate the early failure pattern and to relate it to degradation of the off-chip capacitors.  The main failure distribution was active components.  If the data analysis included the early failures, a mean time to failure (MTF) of less then 1x 105 h has been obtained.

Complete article is available to CALCE Consortium Members.

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