Hugh Reinhart and Michael Pecht
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
This paper examines a set of computerized techniques which can be used during the system design process to predict and utilize maintainability (M) system parameters associated with repair times, manpower requirements, availability and false alarm rates. Included is a description of a software module which applies the statistical techniques set out in MIL-HDBK-472 Procedure V. The module provides a standard database of the elemental maintenance tesk times set out in RADC-TR-84-165 and the ability to create user specific elemental task databases which can be used to compile knowledge of maintenance times gained through experience with similar systems already in operation.
Hierarchical modelling techniques make it possible for M parameters to be calculated for the entire system, or any level of subsystem desired without reentering failure mode and repair data. This encourages modular design and improves the finished product by speeding the design process, allowing the analysis of more design options, and providing estimates of the operational behavior of the finished system.
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