Time-Resolved Infrared Radiometry of Laser-Heated Silicon

K. Cho and C.C. Davis
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, Vol. 25, No. 5, 1989


Time-resolved pulsed photo-thermal radiometry techniques have been used to study the thermal and optical propertied of silicon.  By the use of a one-dimensional thermal diffusion equation, a theoretical description for the transient thermal radiation can be developed.  Results obtained for relatively heavily doped samples (0.002 cm) show that pulsed photo-thermal radiometry is an excellent remote diagnostic technique for silicon over a wide range of relatively heavy doping levels.  For lightly doped samples (5 cm), an anomalously large thermal radiation signal is observed that contradicts the explained by the enhancement of the gray-body emissivity due to laser-generated free carriers.  A simple theoretical model for this free carrier effect is presented.

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